Monday, November 26, 2012

Homemade Chicken Broth

Remember a few weeks ago when I made a rotisserie chicken in the slow cooker? Well the next day I combined all the leftover bones, meat,skin and any veggies I could find in my fridge needing used up. I threw in an onion and some herbs, filled the stockpot with water and let it simmer all morning.

It made my house smell amazing, I even had people asking what I was cooking when they stopped by. We'll be trying out our first batch tonight when I make chicken and rice soup, I can't wait! I'm interested to taste the difference when using homemade.

I was very surprised by how easy it is to make your own stock, it just seems to be one of those intimidating items to make. While I will try to make use of the leftover carcass, etc when we roast a whole chicken or turkey from now on, I will say that I'm not above buying canned broth when needed. .

Homemade Chicken Broth

Any remaining bones, meat and skin leftover from whole chicken
1 onion, cut in half
3 celery ribs, cut in large chunks
3 large carrots, cut in large chunks (or handful baby carrots)
Any other remaining veggies needing used up (I threw in a green pepper)
1 bay leaf
2 tsp thyme
2 tsp rosemary
1 tsp black pepper

Throw all ingredients into large stockpot, cover with water. Cover with a lid and heat over medium-high heat until boiling. Once it's come to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for about 4 hours. Take off heat and let cool for a bit. Strain the broth, discard everything else. Pour into containers and store in fridge overnight. The next day skim any fat from the surface. Store in the freezer or should keep in the fridge for a few days.

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